“We look for biomarkers of many diseases [about 100] that are quite common, but appear to be over-represented in Experiencers. Our hypotheses are that if new diagnoses are made by a physician soon after exposure to an event it may help narrow cases rich in the possibility of future detection methodologies. And further, if they are found in much greater percent of Experiencers and their families than in the normal population, it would be important for follow up with additional testing. We arrange the list from General to Specific. Since the more data we receive from you on what you experience following an event, the more patterns of occurrence we will be able to piece together; so timing is critical to study cause and effect of Experience events.”
Experiencer Medical Survey
We would like to know how your medical history has progressed over the years before and after you started experiencing. The information you provide will be used to build a database where we can look for trends and see if there are correlations between the types of symptoms Experiencers have. The information that we collect will never be made public and will only ever be used for this study.