MUPAS Anomalous Phase II Study - Looshes Labs

Looshes Labs and the scientists at MUPAS are excited to announce that a private sponsor has funded our phase II study. This support enables participants like you to contribute valuable data to advance scientific research on the anomalous phenomenon contributing to your experiences.

MUPAS stands for Modular Unidentified Phenononeon Alert System. This system records the signals that arise when an unidentified phenomenon event occurs and correlates those to human observations to understand the source. MUPAS has been used for over ten years by experiencers to record the anomalous signals present in the environment during their experiences of seeing crafts, orbs, aberrations, and many other types of anomalous interactions. The MUPAS Phase I study, conducted from 2017 through 2021, recorded thousands of correlated environmental signal anomalies from 36 participants, read more about the phase I study.

We are now launching the second phase of our study which will build on the incredible success of the first phase by increasing the number of participants to 10,000 and expanding it to the worldwide population.

Our sponsor has provided us with enough funding to equip 500 experiencers with MUPAS devices of their choice so they can participate in the MUPAS Phase II Study.

This funding allows us to gather scientific information from participants like yourself to advance our understanding of the unexplained phenomenon responsible for your experiences. Our private sponsor is deeply committed to exploring anomalies and contributing meaningful data to the scientific community for further analysis and experimental endeavors.

As a participant, you can choose between a MUPAS Mini or a MUPAS Biometric watch as your primary data collection device. Once you select your device, you will complete a brief survey to help us understand your background and configure the MUPAS AI Analytics Engine to your unique participation.

Additionally, you will have access to a private journal to document your daily experiences. Your journal entries, combined with environmental signals captured by your MUPAS device, will be processed by the MUPAS Analytics Engine and combined with the other participants in the study. The MUPAS Analytics Engine will also send you personalized notifications and trend analyses of your data, providing a better understanding of your unique situation.

Your data will first be filtered to remove any identifying information before being combined with data from other participants. In other words, your personal information is fully secure and will never be shared with any individual or organization.

You are asked to make a small monthly contribution to support data storage and AI analysis of your collected data. Your contributions will also be used to fund the establishment of data-gathering equipment at hotspots worldwide where a high frequency of anomalies is known to occur.

We are working with Alexei Novitzky of Looshes Labs LLC to offer to his many followers the opportunity to join the Phase II study.

Your enrollment in the study starts by completing a short 30-question survey that will help us understand your unique situation. The survey will help us teach an AI analytics engine about you. Next, you will choose a primary environmental data collection device, a MUPAS Mini or a MUPAS Biometric watch.

Once we review your application and you are all set, we ship your device.

If you are interested in becoming a participant in the MUPAS Phase II study please visit the signup site signup site.